Rolleicord Stereo – my
“TriLR” (2013) Stereo Photography has my attention, currently.
enjoy looking at stereo slides in a viewer, and I wonder why
– in history -
this subject has found attention, lost all attention, found attention
lost it again… Now, somewhere in one of the (few) websites
that deal
with stereo photography, I have found the quote that “until
you have seen a
good medium format stereo slide in a good viewer, you don’t
know what stereo
photography is about”. To find out about this claim, I bought
a 6x6 Sputnik
stereo camera, which taught me two things: a) that the claim may be
true, but
b) that I surely do not want to run around with a Sputnik, there must
be nicer
MF stereo cameras (that fit my budget). But I haven’t found any, so far. What I have found is a prototype of a stereo
Rolleiflex in one of Claus Prochnow’s Rollei books, even
meant to be mounted in
a Rolleimarin. So how about making one myself? I am not the
person to try this, there is at least one similar camera pictured on
the Kurt
Tauber camera museum website. Thinking about the layout of such a camera, I
the idea of taking two Rolleiflexes, because the crank operated shutter
mechanism seemed difficult to be actuated by just one crank of one
Instead, I went for two Rolleicords. One camera I already had (a late
Rolleicord II), I believe it is the very camera that I have hanging
from my
neck on this
picture… The idea was to leave both cameras unchanged as
far as
possible, but to mount them as close together as possible, to achieve a
base of some 75mm. For this, I removed the panels of the mating camera
sides. To couple the focusing drives of both cameras,
I made
a coupling piece from a focusing knob and some sheet alluminium (and,
course, two component glue). The part is clamped onto the focusing
drive shaft
of one camera and slots in one of the holes of the curved disk on the
camera. Initially, this didn’t work well.
With the two cameras
rigidly mounted together, the focusing became pretty stiff and I
found out, that the two axis of the focusing mechanisms were not
perfectly in
line, with the film plane as base line. They were out not by much, but
enough to make the focusing uneasy. No problem for a single camera, if
think about it: All that is required is that the axis of the focusing
is parallel to the film plane (which it is). If it
is some tenths closer
or farther away of the film plane, this has no effect, the calibration
with shims on the mounting plate anyway. But for two coupled cameras it
matter… As a consequence, I had to mount the two
slightly offset with regard to the film planes. My Lego fixture was
with tesa film pieces until perfection was (almost) achieved. When I was already filing pieces to make the
brackets that I planned to hold the two cameras together with, I first
about glueing them together, and then … I just did it. Should
need be, I can force
the two halves to separate again, but the two flat side surfaces were
just too
inviting… So now, the two cameras are indeed glued together,
which saved me the
hassle of making brackets. The focusing is still just a little stiff,
it wasn’t
as easy as on a new camera anyway, on any of the two, so I added a
focusing knob (a focusing ring from another Schneider lens) which may
not be to
everybody’s taste, but which works perfectly well to give a
little more
film transport action is from the right camera to
the left camera (the left camera obviously has no film transport
mechanism anymore) via two more short coupling pieces, that connect the
four film spools
through holes in the body. One with flat noses, that transmits the
action and one just with pins, for the lower spools that can turn
freely. Loading film is a little complicated, as first
the “right”
film is put into the lower chamber, the pin pushed into the spool from
left, then the left film added. The take-up spools need to be connected
the coupling piece with “noses” and the two film
papers threaded into the
slots, the spool turned a little and the film tightened: What I have also found is that the backs of
cameras do not need to be connected. Even after both backs have lost
the hinge
on the inner side, they hold perfectly well onto the body when closed
– an
ingenious Rollei design: the backs are strapped onto the bodies (sort
of) so
that the stress is in pull direction, rather than having to rely on the
stability of hinges (you just have to remember that the backs are now
when the camera is opened). The (surplus) right camera viewing lens I have
– so this became a TriLR, as opposed to a QuadLR… On both cameras I have cleaned the shutter and
I have
connected the two shutter levers with a rod, to allow simultaneous
action. The
finder on the left camera I have equipped with a bright Rollei 6000
screen (and
the viewing lens adjusted). Instead of the right camera finder I have
a lower top plate with a (cold) hot shoe, into which a small exposure
meter can
be slotted, like a Gossen Digisix or Sixtino. This is the finished camera: The whole thing looks surprisingly
unspectacular… The first test films turned out underexposed quite a bit, which I do not understand so far - I will find out. Here are some pictures nevertheless from the Knechtsteden cloister, north of Cologne.
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