Meine Zersägten Kameras
6x14 Roll Film Back for Plaubel Peco Junior 
6x14 Wide Angle Camera
35mm Panoramic Camera
mFT Adapter with iris for Pentax Auto 110 Lenses 
Stereo Camera made from two 35mm Cameras
Kiev EF - Russian "Rangefinder" with EF mount
Cosina Stereo K - Stereo SLR with Pentax mount
Rolleicord Stereo - my TriLR
Classic Rolleiflex with modern meter
Mamiya 6,3/50 adapted to Graflex Century Graphic
Wistamiya DIY Hybrid
Rollei 35 feeling on the Sony A7
More weird lens adaptations to the Sony A7R(II)
Wistamiya II  - Hasselblad SWC's poor relative
Rolleiflex SL 2000 with digital back „SWVS“
Old projector lenses on Sony A7RII
Under construction
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Rudolf Keller Photography, 1925 – 1942
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Mamiya  6,3/50 adapted to Graflex Century Graphic 2x3"  (2013)

Among other things, I am on my way to the perfect wide angle camera and, to be clear, it is not this one. But the Graflex Century Graphic indeed is a small and light option to be outdoors with a 6x9 roll film camera and make use of some camera movements. One nice combination is to use it with large format lenses, e.g. with a Schneider 65mm Super Angulon, yielding an angle of view equivalent to that of a 29mm lens on 35mm. And, since the Angulon image circle is big, some movements are possible.

Another combination is that with lenses of even shorter focal lengths - without movements, because behind those lenses, the lens board sits inside of the camera body when focused to infinity.

This may still be of interest, as 50mm on 6x9 equals 20mm on 35mm and, well, I happen to have the lens (and I like it a lot). Those who own a 47mm Angulon may choose to read something else from here onwards...

Unfortunately, the 50mm Mamiya is a pretty substantial piece of gear, compared to the elegant Centrury Graphic. 

To mount the lens nonetheless, I had to make an adapter that puts the lens in front of the lens board, the lens board itself is so small, the hole for the rear element of the lens leaves just enough material. Anyway, some measuring revealed that it is indeed possible... 

For the adapter I used aluminium sheet metal and some leftovers from previous projects.

This is how the adapter looks:

And with the lens fitted to the camera:

Obviously, the lens is "over the top"... Even if there is no need for absolute parallelism between film and lens plane on such an outdoor camera, it still has to feel right - and it doesn't.

So the search for the perfect wide angle camera continues...


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